You can never predict what postpartum will look like, so it is important that you prepare and have the proper support to see you through. With our team of postpartum doulas as part of your support team your first weeks of parenthood will feel fully supported.
All of the Doulas on the Mindful Mommy Team are trained, mentored and screened so they may all provide amazing support and service to you.
Curious to learn more about our doula policies for Overnight Doula Care and Postpartum Doula Care? You'll find a helpful overview here.
Rates: * Hourly: $45/hour + HST with a 3-hour minimum visit at a time (you can create any amount of hours you like)
Popular Packages:
12-hour package: $540.00 + HST
24-hour package: $1080.00 + HST
Twins $50/hour*
The 4th trimester begins once you get home with your little bundle. Most parents expect complete chaos once they step back through the door of their home but it doesn’t have to be this way! We know there will be a lot of questions, concerns when it comes to caring for your little one, so we are here to help.
Wondering what a Mindful Mommy Postpartum Doula do for your new family?

All of the postpartum doulas on our team offer an array of skills and support systems which may or may not include from the following list below. Please feel free to confirm with your doula what skills they may offer or head over to Our Team to check out each postpartum doula's list of qualifications.
- Trained Child & Infant CPR + First Aid (refreshed every 2 years)
- Reiki Certification
- Infant Sleep Training
- Breastfeeding Support
- Belly Binding
- Yoni Steam Practitioner

The SLEEPY BUNDLE: Night Doula Support
$360.00/night Overnights
8-hour shift at a time or more. For example, 10 pm-6 am (or whichever schedule you create with the doula you choose) *Any hours added on will be $45/hour
Getting enough sleep is an extremely vital piece to preventing postpartum depression and increasing postpartum healing. You will need proper rest in order to care and nurture your baby the best way you can. Sleep is also highly beneficial in helping you to maintain balance during your days and having a healthy relationship with your partner in the first few months as a new family.
Your night Doula will help you:
We kindly ask that you have an area prepared where the Doula can comfortably care for your baby.