Mindful Mommy Doula Services Policy

  • Mindful Mommy Doula Services is a referral agency only. We handle the administrative side of the services, i.e., the matchmaking, the contract + invoicing.
  • Discuss any issues or concerns directly with your doula. They are there to support you and should be your first point of contact.
  • Understand that all final decisions, arrangements, and refund requests should be made with your doula. They handle your funds as a self-employed professional, and any financial matters must go through them.
  • Respect the contract established between you and your doula. As a referral agency, we cannot make decisions outside the agreement you've made with your doula.

Birth Doula Care Policy

  • Your assigned doula will be on call for you 24 hours a day beginning two (2) weeks before your estimated due date
  • Your assigned doula will provide unlimited email support and phone/text support during business hours (9am- 6pm)
  • Your assigned doula will provide early labour support, sometimes via phone but also including in your home. Your doula will remain with you once active labour has begun until one to two hours after your baby is born.
  • Your doula may take short breaks for meals and rest if time allows.
  • Your Doula will not make decisions for you. We will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision.
  • Your Doula does not perform clinical tasks, such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc. Your Doula is there to provide physical comfort, emotional and informational support.
  • Your doula will not transport you to the hospital, rather you will drive separately and meet there.

Night Doula Care Policy

  • The Doula is allowed to sleep on shift but is to wake up with the baby to complete feeds, diaper changes etc
  • Doula must be in the same room as baby in order to hear and care for baby in a timely manner
  • The Doula must have a comfortable space/spot to rest. After chores are done, and between feeds your doula will rest, either working quietly or sleeping.
  • Your doula may take short breaks for meals and rest or sleep if time allows.
  • Please have a list of any small quiet chores that you wish for the Doula to complete while minding your newborn i.e. folding baby laundry, rinsing bottles, etc
  • Please also let your doula know if you would like to be brought the baby in the AM and whether or not you wish to be roused at the time.

Postpartum Doula Care Policy

  • Your doula may take short breaks for meals and rest if time allows.
  • Please have a list of any small quiet chores that you wish for the Doula to complete while minding your newborn i.e. folding baby laundry, rinsing bottles, etc
  • Your Doula does not perform major house cleaning tasks (ex: washing windows or yard work).
  • Your Doula will not be able to provide transportation for mother, baby or family.
  • Your Doula will not perform clinical tasks, medical assessments or evaluations nor do I provide medical advice or diagnoses for mother or baby.
  • You agree to give your Doula at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment.
  • In the event of your Doula attending a birth, illness, emergency or severe weather, every effort will be made to reschedule services as soon as they are aware that they cannot keep your appointment. Payment for that day will be applied to future service if already paid.