What to Eat and What to Avoid During Pregnancy – Secrets Revealed!

What to Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most crucial time in a women’s life, and it makes a woman to go through several psychological, emotional and physical changes. However, women survive with these changes and make sure the well being of a baby by adopting healthy and best pregnancy diet plan.

Pregnancy is the time of significant change with the evolving baby in your body, and during pregnancy, women’s body begins to demand more from its average intake of diet. There are thousands of questions running through mums mind; they become more conscious concerning their to-be-born baby’s health.

In this article, we are decided to give you some suggestions on healthy food to consume while pregnant, these foods not only best for your health, but it also assists your unborn baby’s development too. Additionally, here you come to know about some foods that you have to neglect your diet plan. Stick with pregnancy diet and monitor your pregnancy week by week using the simple and accurate due date calculator. You can visit calculator-online.net to get efficient online gadget of pregnancy calculator, and this handy tool shows baby calendar of entire week.

Pregnancy Diet – What You Have To Consume:

Grains And Cereals:

  • All Whole Grain foods are consisting of the rich content of fiber; consuming these foods are great during pregnancy. These foods include bread, rice, pasta, wheat and oatmeal
  • Whole grain not only rich in fiber but it also fully packed with minerals and are often iron-fortified
  • During the third trimester of pregnancy, women are very susceptible to constipation which may lead to painful hemorrhoids, hence consuming fiber rich food is immensely important at a time
  • The mineral content that found in these foods helps in all over development of the fetus and also replenishes minerals in the women’s body as well

Dairy Products:

  • Dairy products are the most recommended food to consume during pregnancy. These products are fully packed with calcium that pregnant women should must intake during pregnancy. These include low-fat or skimmed milk, paneer, yogurt, lassi or buttermilk
  • Apart from calcium, they are a great source of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin. Milk helps to improve digestion and appetite in pregnant females
  • Additionally, if you have issues with milk-based products, then you ought to consult with your health care provider to replace dairy products for enough calcium intake
  • Intake of calcium is essential during pregnancy as it aids in the bone and teeth development of your little angel


Here are few main minerals that women need to consume during pregnancy:

  • You have to consume Calcium (RDA 1000mg) through the source of most greens, milk products, legumes, and nuts
  • You have to consume Zinc (RDA 15mg) through the source of whole grains, broccoli, eggs, lean meats, and tomatoes
  • You have to consume Iron (RDA 30mg) through the source of whole grains, greens, meats, legumes, dried fruits and tofu
  • You have to consume Iodine (RDA 175mcg) through the source of iodized salt, seafood, and cheese
  • You have to consume Selenium (RDA 65mcg) through the source of seafood and grains
  • You have to consume Phosphorus (RDA 700mg) through the source of fish, eggs, meats
  • You have to consume Magnesium (RDA 360mg) through the source of all beans, cashews, broccoli, and tofu
  • You have to consume Flouride (RDA 3.1mg) through the source of fluoridated water, seafood and tea

Fruits And Vegetables:

  • Pregnant should have to intake at least six servings of fruits and vegetables a day, you can consult with your doctor to plan your meals accordingly
  • Fruits and veggies are fully packed with all vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Apart from it, they are rich in vitamin C. Consuming vitamin C is great for both you and your little angel
  • Vitamin C is a great source for your health as it strengthens gums and tissues, helps in absorbing iron and healing wounds


Pregnancy Diet – What Not To Consume:

Unwashed Vegetables And Fruits:

The toxoplasma gondii parasite and listeria are two different bacteria that often hide in fruits and vegetables:

  • Don’t try to consume unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • In countries where pesticides are found in large quantities, women there should have to peel off the fruits before consuming
  • You have to avoid consuming raw vegetables, especially raw spouts and salad dressing

Raw Seafood:

  • The first food that you have to avoid during pregnancy is raw, uncooked fish
  • Shellfish, marlin, swordfish, shark and sushi – these all consist of methyl mercury which is severely detrimental for fetal brain development
  • There is a need to consult with your health care provider before starting any fish oils too
  • Avoid consuming uncooked fish as it contains hidden harmful bacteria and gives you unwanted infection

Unpasteurized Dairy Products:

  • Avoid consuming all unpasteurized dairy products
  • You have to avoid consuming unpasteurized milk and cheese otherwise you may find prone to food poisoning that is harming you & your fetus


Smoking & Alcohol Consumption:

  • You have to stop smoking and also avoid alcohol consumption
  • Consuming alcohol will travel through placenta to your baby’s blood

Exercise To Do During Pregnancy:

Stick with the following exercise that is great for you and your baby:

  • Wall Slide
  • Clamshell
  • Hip Raises/Bridge
  • Downward Dog (starts from 2nd Trimester Pregnancy)
  • Pelvic tilt Or Angry Cat
  • Lying Cobbler Pose
  • Sitting Glute Stretch
  • Modified Side Plank
  • Opening hips (starts from 3rd Trimester Pregnancy)
  • Pelvic Stretches
  • Yoga
  • Aquatic Pregnancy Exercise
  • Squat
  • Deep Breathing
  • Upper Back Stretch

Thankfully, you come to know what you need to consume and the foods to avoid for a healthy pregnancy!