Elimination Communication

WHAT IS ELIMINATION COMMUNICATION? Elimination Communication (also known as EC, infant potty training, natural infant hygiene and diaper free) is the gentle, natural, non-coercive process of learning your baby’s potty cues and timing to help teach baby address his or her elimination needs. This practice makes conventional potty training unnecessary. EC might sound weird, but consider…

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A Guide to Breastfeeding Wellness!

Guide to Breastfeeding Wellness

Breastfeeding. Some Moms make it look so easy, don’t they? It takes time and patience when it comes to breastfeeding and for a  new mom. It can be challenging and there is lots to learn! Here are some great tips on how to support yourself as a new mom learning the ins and outs of…

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DIY Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath Tea Bags – Mindful Mommy

Postpartum herbal sitz bath recipe

Expecting mothers spend so much time preparing and getting ready for the baby that they forget about themselves and don’t realize how much their bodies will be affected by labour and delivery. Labour is hard work and a new mothers body will need time to heal, rest & recover. So I came up with a simple…

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Do You Really Need a Doula?

Do you really need a doula?

“There is something that women have intuitively known forever, that having another supportive woman who has been through labour herself and who can help take some of the fear and uncertainty away, does wonders during labour.”– WellnessMama I remember how scared I continually became as I approached the due date for the birth of my…

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Why I love being a Doula

Why I love being a doula

I love getting to know you. I take so much enjoyment from meeting new people and spending time with them. That is one of the main reasons I became a doula. Meeting for coffee/tea dates or meeting to have a manicure or a pedicure are amazing ways to chat, bond and just spend time together.…

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The Top 5 Fears about Birth

Top 5 Fears About Birth

Every birth is different and whether it is your first child or your second. It is hard to know what to expect. There can be a lot of fears of the unknown and many new mothers all feel the same way, so I decided to reach out to mothers personally to ask them what their…

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Ethan’s Birth Story – An Early Start

ethan birth story

This birth was quite a memorable one for me, the birth of Ethan. I met his mother Ebony in the summer of 2017 and our first conversation was over the phone. She had a  sweet voice and she was very easy to talk too. And in no time, I felt like we had been friends…

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Postpartum Care Kit

Most women prepare for the actual labor and birth, but often the postpartum pain and recovery takes them by surprise. And as mothers we get so caught up in our babies that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.  After the birth of baby it is so important that you take care of yourself,…

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5 Rules to Writing your Birth Plan

5 rules to writing your birth plan

When you sit down to actually write your birth plan, reality settles in and quickly! You begin to realize that you actually have to give birth to this baby and one way or another this kid is coming out! So building a birth plan can be comforting in this time where so much is unknown. …

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Can Meditation Help with Postpartum Depression? – Mindful Mommy

“While 30 percent of women with a history of depression are at risk for a recurrence during pregnancy or postpartum on average, the study found that that number dropped to 18 percent among those who used mindfulness techniques.” From <https://www.whattoexpect.com/wom/pregnancy/the-big-benefit-of-meditation-and-yoga-for-pregnant-and-postpartum-moms–study-.aspx> I know so many of us suffer or have suffered from Postpartum Depression at some point…

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